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A moustache for research

Simpol. the reactive agency, in collaboration with the Molinette Research Foundation, the City of Health and Science of Turin, the Venesio Foundation and Rotaract Torino Crocetta, supports the month of prevention for male cancers.

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The initiative

A Moustache for Research 2023: Simpol. the reactive agency, in collaboration with the Molinette Research Foundation, the City of Health and Science of Turin, the Venesio Foundation and Rotaract Torino Crocetta, supports the month of prevention for male cancers.

The Molinette Research Foundation campaign, inspired by the international Movember movement and launched for the first time in 2015, is now a regular event in the month of November in Turin.
This year Simpol. the reactive agency, through its project “Io Smpl.” - a section of works dedicated to supporting charitable causes - supports the campaign with a double contribution.
First of all, by donating the entire proceeds from the charity event “the reactive. event - one more time”, held last September 29, to the cause.
Secondly, taking to the streets alongside the Foundation to support the prevention campaign and take care of its communication.

The central message is clear: “Prevention saves lives: free screening for male cancers.”

The key innovation of “A Mustache for Research 2023” is the opportunity to undergo free urological prevention visits to testicles (age group between 20 and 34 years old) and prostate (between 50 and 75 years old) in a specially equipped mobile clinic. Thanks to the strong collaboration with the team of Prof. Paolo Gontero (Urological Clinic of the AOU City of Health and Science of Turin), doctors will be available every Saturday in November, from 11:00 to 16:00, in different squares of Turin.

🗓️ Dates to remember: Prevention Days 🗓️
November 4 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, between Via Giulia di Barolo and Via Vanchiglia
November 11 and 18 - Piazza San Carlo
November 25 - Piazza Castello, in front of Via Roma

Alongside the Moustache Campaign, there will also be traditional partners: the barbers and restaurateurs “friends of the Moustache”, who, like every year, are active all month round in their premises and shops to disseminate the materials of the Campaign and to raise funds in support of Molinette Urology.

Talking about testicular cancer and prostate cancer is scary, but the data speak for themselves. If for the former the incidence is 2 people per 100,000, with a peak onset in the 20-30 age group, for the second the chance of being affected during the course of life becomes 1 in 8, with an increase in risk as they age.
Early diagnosis allows for a cure in most cases, which is why proper education and prevention are so essential.

We at Simpol. the reactive agency are truly honored to take part in this important campaign.
Join us, we are waiting for you every Saturday in November on the dates indicated above, your support counts!


The initiative

A Moustache for Research 2023: Simpol. the reactive agency, in collaboration with the Molinette Research Foundation, the City of Health and Science of Turin, the Venesio Foundation and Rotaract Torino Crocetta, supports the month of prevention for male cancers.

The Molinette Research Foundation campaign, inspired by the international Movember movement and launched for the first time in 2015, is now a regular event in the month of November in Turin.
This year Simpol. the reactive agency, through its project “Io Smpl.” - a section of works dedicated to supporting charitable causes - supports the campaign with a double contribution.
First of all, by donating the entire proceeds from the charity event “the reactive. event - one more time”, held last September 29, to the cause.
Secondly, taking to the streets alongside the Foundation to support the prevention campaign and take care of its communication.

The central message is clear: “Prevention saves lives: free screening for male cancers.”

The key innovation of “A Mustache for Research 2023” is the opportunity to undergo free urological prevention visits to testicles (age group between 20 and 34 years old) and prostate (between 50 and 75 years old) in a specially equipped mobile clinic. Thanks to the strong collaboration with the team of Prof. Paolo Gontero (Urological Clinic of the AOU City of Health and Science of Turin), doctors will be available every Saturday in November, from 11:00 to 16:00, in different squares of Turin.

🗓️ Dates to remember: Prevention Days 🗓️
November 4 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, between Via Giulia di Barolo and Via Vanchiglia
November 11 and 18 - Piazza San Carlo
November 25 - Piazza Castello, in front of Via Roma

Alongside the Moustache Campaign, there will also be traditional partners: the barbers and restaurateurs “friends of the Moustache”, who, like every year, are active all month round in their premises and shops to disseminate the materials of the Campaign and to raise funds in support of Molinette Urology.

Talking about testicular cancer and prostate cancer is scary, but the data speak for themselves. If for the former the incidence is 2 people per 100,000, with a peak onset in the 20-30 age group, for the second the chance of being affected during the course of life becomes 1 in 8, with an increase in risk as they age.
Early diagnosis allows for a cure in most cases, which is why proper education and prevention are so essential.

We at Simpol. the reactive agency are truly honored to take part in this important campaign.
Join us, we are waiting for you every Saturday in November on the dates indicated above, your support counts!


The initiative

A Moustache for Research 2023: Simpol. the reactive agency, in collaboration with the Molinette Research Foundation, the City of Health and Science of Turin, the Venesio Foundation and Rotaract Torino Crocetta, supports the month of prevention for male cancers.

The Molinette Research Foundation campaign, inspired by the international Movember movement and launched for the first time in 2015, is now a regular event in the month of November in Turin.
This year Simpol. the reactive agency, through its project “Io Smpl.” - a section of works dedicated to supporting charitable causes - supports the campaign with a double contribution.
First of all, by donating the entire proceeds from the charity event “the reactive. event - one more time”, held last September 29, to the cause.
Secondly, taking to the streets alongside the Foundation to support the prevention campaign and take care of its communication.

The central message is clear: “Prevention saves lives: free screening for male cancers.”

The key innovation of “A Mustache for Research 2023” is the opportunity to undergo free urological prevention visits to testicles (age group between 20 and 34 years old) and prostate (between 50 and 75 years old) in a specially equipped mobile clinic. Thanks to the strong collaboration with the team of Prof. Paolo Gontero (Urological Clinic of the AOU City of Health and Science of Turin), doctors will be available every Saturday in November, from 11:00 to 16:00, in different squares of Turin.

🗓️ Dates to remember: Prevention Days 🗓️
November 4 - Piazza Vittorio Veneto, between Via Giulia di Barolo and Via Vanchiglia
November 11 and 18 - Piazza San Carlo
November 25 - Piazza Castello, in front of Via Roma

Alongside the Moustache Campaign, there will also be traditional partners: the barbers and restaurateurs “friends of the Moustache”, who, like every year, are active all month round in their premises and shops to disseminate the materials of the Campaign and to raise funds in support of Molinette Urology.

Talking about testicular cancer and prostate cancer is scary, but the data speak for themselves. If for the former the incidence is 2 people per 100,000, with a peak onset in the 20-30 age group, for the second the chance of being affected during the course of life becomes 1 in 8, with an increase in risk as they age.
Early diagnosis allows for a cure in most cases, which is why proper education and prevention are so essential.

We at Simpol. the reactive agency are truly honored to take part in this important campaign.
Join us, we are waiting for you every Saturday in November on the dates indicated above, your support counts!


A moustache for research.

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